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Last Updated Thursday December 03 2020 05:44 AM IST

Mohanlal hands over auctioned 'Pulimurugan' chain

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Mohanlal hands over auctioned Pulimurugan chain

Kochi: Actor Mohanlal has given away the chain he wore for the film Pulimurugan at a function held at Travancore Court Hotel in Kochi on Thursday.

Mathew Jose had won the auction of the chain, which has a pendant in the shape of leopard’s teeth, spending Rs 1,10,000. Mathew is a Bahrain-based businessman.

“That the money will be spent for a humanitarian cause and my love for Lalettan were my prime reasons to be part of the auction,” said Mathew.

After handing over the chain, Mohanlal said, ''I'm happy that the money collected thus will be used for humanitarian activities. It is in fact a good thought.''


Mohanlal also said that he would be auctioning the specs he used in the film Villain, directed by B. Unnikrishnan, in a similar manner.

The auction of the Pulimurugan chain happened through Mohanlal’s website – The Complete Actor. Besides featuring Mohanlal’s films, photos, news and blog, the site also sells books and T-shirts with his signature.

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