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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:21 PM IST

An IAS wedding with a message

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An IAS wedding with a message While the groom is Wayanad subcollector NSK Umesh, the bride, V Vigneswari, holds the same post in neighboring Kozhikode.

Kalpetta: A ‘high-power’ wedding that will take place at Madurai in Tamil Nadu on February 5 which is set to send a strong message against caste, has a Kerala connection.

While the groom is Wayanad subcollector NSK Umesh, the bride, V Vigneswari, holds the same post in neighboring Kozhikode. Both are Madurai natives. With Umesh and Vigneswari belonging to the 2015 IAS batch, there were big celebrations in Madurai over the double-sweet honour that came to the city. However, they met and love blossomed only later, at the civil service academy.

Umesh, though settled in Tamil Nadu, hails from Saurashtra. Caste is a major issue in Tamil Nadu and several incidents related to it are reported regularly. Inter-caste marriages often spark violence, points out Umesh. With the two Sub-Collectors belonging to different castes, their coming together will send the right message to the younger as well as older generation, says the IAS officer.

Read more: Wayanad news

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