SpiceJet flight delayed and cancelled after 8 hours in Kochi: Passengers frustrated

Even though the passengers who had to fly from the Kochi airport demanded to arrange another flight, the airline staff declined, saying that they didn’t have such provisions. Photo: Josekutty Panakkal

Kochi: The SpiceJet flight to Dubai that was supposed to depart at 11.30 pm on Saturday was delayed for around eight hours before announcing at 7.30 am that it was cancelled. Meanwhile, angry passengers created a stir at the airport demanding clarification from the airline company. Police arrived at the airport to calm them down. The authorities said that the flight was cancelled due to technical glitches. However, passengers complained that the airline authorities weren’t transparent about the situation and refused proper explanations. Aspirants who were travelling to join new work and students who needed to attend examinations were among the passengers.

Even though the passengers demanded to arrange another flight, the airline staff declined, saying that they didn’t have such provisions. Meanwhile, it would take up to seven days to refund the ticket charges, if they are cancelled. Some passengers had received messages that the flight would depart at 3 am. Later, I was informed that the flight was delayed and would depart at 3.40 am. However, the passengers, who had checked – in, waited until morning for the boarding call. The authorities then informed them that the flight had been cancelled. 

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