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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:04 PM IST

Did you know Rajinikanth has an adopted dad?

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rajinikanth-adopted-father Rajinikanth and Palam Kalyanasundaram

Did you know that Superstar Rajnikanth has an adopted father? Well that is the story of Palam Kalyanasundaram, a man who dedicated his entire life to serve humanity. Why should a gold medalist in library science, who has Master's Degree in Arts and History, go and work in a hotel? For us mortals, things may seem weird, but Palam Kalyanasundaram has the answer to it - to serve people.

Acclaimed as one of the top 10 librarians in the world, the UNO adjudged him as one of the outstanding people of the 20th century. Crowned as the Man of Millenium by an American organization, he spent the entire whooping 30 crores prize money he received from them for the upliftment of the needy. And an awe-inspired Rajnikanth adopted Palam as his own father!

An NGO called Palam operates from Adyar in Chennai and it facilitates his services. Palam Kalyanasundaram has been a symbol of confidence to those who need help, anytime, anywhere. And yes, the richest man on earth has nothing for him alone, but a heart filled with unconditional love and compassion.

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