


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:22 AM IST

Man walks into Karunanidhi wife's house, points toy gun at her

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Man walks into Karunanidhi wife's house, points toy gun at her Karunanidhi, Rajathi Ammal and Kanimozhi. PTI/File photos

Chennai: In a security breach, a man wielding a toy gun entered the house of DMK chief M. Karunanidhi's wife Rajathi Ammal here Monday and demanded money, before being nabbed by police.

The man walked up the first floor of the CIT colony residence of Ammal, living with her daughter and DMK Rajya Sabha MP Kanimozhi, pointed the toy gun and demanded money and jeweler, DMK party sources said. The sources added that the man was masked.

“A masked man entered house and pointed gun at his wife,” DMK leader Paranthaman told ANI.

Ammal was at that time talking with a woman relative. The 73-year-old asked the man to wait as she would bring money. She rushed downstairs and called the police.

The intruder held Ammal's relative as hostage, but freed her after police arrived, and subsequently, he was nabbed.

When he threatened Ammal and her relative, none knew that the firearm was actually a toy gun. It was revealed only after a police inquiry.

"We have lodged a formal complaint," sources close to Kanimozhi told PTI.

A senior police official said a probe was on and added that additional guards had been posted at Kanimozhi's residence.

Hearing about the incident from her mother, Kanimozhi rushed back home from a DMK meet.

Asked how the intruder gained entry when the house was guarded by the police, the official said the man scaled the wall from a side where there were no sentries and at a time when there was not much public movement.

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