


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 10:48 AM IST

ISRO successfully tests indigenously developed cryogenic engine

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ISRO successfully tests indigenously developed cryogenic engine Image courtesy: ISRO

Tirunelveli: ISRO successfully carried out on Friday its indigenously developed cryogenic engine-D stage test at its liquid propulsion complex at Mahendragiri in the district.

ISRO chairman A S Kiran Kumar said "the full duration flight test of cryogenic upper stage for GSLV MkIII was successful."

The successful test of C-25 payload capacity of four tonnes class of satellite would pave way for the launch of GSLV Mark III C-25 satellite. The engine will be put into use in April.

“The test was the last in the series before going for an actual rocket launch,” he said.

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