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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:55 AM IST

Election rhetoric is different from policy change: US official

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Eric T Lund

Chennai: A US official assured that India need not worry about the election rhetoric by its candidates and that the India-US bilateral relationship is at an all-time high.

“Right now the US-India bilateral relationship is at an all-time high. Both president (Barack) Obama and prime minister Modi have worked hard to strengthen it,” said Eric T Lund, Cultural affairs officer, US Consulate General, in Chennai.

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Recent anti-immigrant remarks by Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump had raised apprehensions among the Indian diaspora.

Eric emphasized that America is always open for legal immigration. “The US is a diverse country. We have people from all around the world. Immigration is bringing innovation and vibrancy,” he said.

He noted that, “Candidates focus their time and energy on reaching out to US domestic audiences and various local constituencies to deliver their messages; not overseas audiences. However, election rhetoric and policy changes are two different things.”

Importance of swing states

Observing the importance of swing states in swaying the US election results Eric said that, “Swing states have a key role in deciding the elections in the United States. As a voter belonging to a swing state, I am also listening and watching the campaigns and I will consider them before I vote.”

Some of the key swing states identified for the 2016 elections are Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania.

Election events in Chennai

The US Consulate General, Chennai, is organizing a series of programs till November to commemorate US presidential elections.

There is a US election quiz program for college students on September 21, which will be held in association with MOP Vaishnav College for Women, Chennai.

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