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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:31 AM IST

Free Willy along Indian coast: 47-ft-long blue whale rescued | Video, Pix

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Mumbai: A 47-feet long blue whale was rescued from the sea along a beach in Maharashtra's coastal Konkan and was successfully put back into the deep waters.

The whale had drifted into shallow waters near the Jaitapur power plant in Ratnagiri district.

Blue whale rescued The whale had drifted into shallow waters near the Jaitapur power plant in Ratnagiri district. Twitter

"It appeared emaciated and must have drifted some days ago. But since this is an isolated area, it was spotted on Saturday and we were informed by the locals," N. Vasudevan, chief conservator, mangrove conservation cell, said.

As it was late evening that day, rescue operations using boats and fishing nets were carried out yesterday. The operation lasted six hours and the whale was led into the deep seas.

Blue whale rescued The whale appeared emaciated and must have drifted some days ago. Screen grab

This is the second successful rescue of a blue whale in the same region, he said.

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