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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 08:58 AM IST

Journalist Barkha Dutt calls it quits from NDTV

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New Delhi: Senior journalist Barkha Dutt on Sunday announced on Twitter that she was quitting NDTV to explore new opportunities and to start her own venture.

Dutt, quitting as Consulting Editor of NDTV, in her series of tweets said that it had been a super ride at NDTV, but she hoped for a new beginning in 2017.

Later, NDTV in their official statement confirmed her resignation and wished her all the best for her future endeavors.

"In 1995, Barkha Dutt joined NDTV straight out of college, and now, after 21 wonderful years together, Barkha has requested that she would like to explore some new opportunities, pursue other interests and work on her own ventures.

In all her years with NDTV, she has been hugely productive and has grown with the organization, becoming an acclaimed, award-winning journalist of repute across India and many parts of the world.

We are certain that Barkha will go from strength to strength and NDTV wishes her all the very best," the statement said.

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