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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:53 PM IST

Close shave for 128 passengers as Air India flight's tyre bursts at Mumbai airport

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Air India plane with 128 passengers suffers tyre burst at Mumbai airport

Mumbai: An Air India plane carrying 128 passengers and crew members from Ahmedabad suffered a tyre burst while landing at the city airport this morning.

All passengers are safe and another aircraft has been arranged to ferry passengers to their onward journey, an Air India spokesperson in New Delhi said.

"Air India flight AI 614 from Ahmedabad for Mumbai with 128 passengers and crew members suffered a tyre bust at 0904 hours during landing at the Chhatrapati Shivaji International Airport today," the spokesperson said.

The Airbus A320 aircraft was to fly to Raipur as AI 651, the spokesperson said, adding the airline has already pressed into service another aircraft to fly the passengers to their destination.

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