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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:04 PM IST

Vayalar Ravi wants to become Kerala CM

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Vayalar Ravi Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Vayalar Ravi (file photo)

Kochi: Senior Congress leader and Rajya Sabha MP, Vayalar Ravi on Monday said that he still has the desire to become the chief minister of Kerala. However, he said he was not for forming a faction or unleashing a fight towards achieving his goal.

"I am well qualified to be a chief minister. I will become one if I get a chance," Ravi told Manorama News and added that he lost such an opportunity since he was in New Delhi. He said that he has been accorded more posts and respects than what he deserved.

Commenting on the present scenario in Kerala, Ravi said that chief minister Oommen Chandy was clean from corruption. However, he was not able to control the ministers like former chief minister late K. Karunakaran. He exuded hope about UDF retaining power. but refused to comment as to who will be the chief minister.

Presently Ravi is busy with his efforts to bring out his autobiography.

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