


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 07:26 AM IST

3 members of Keralite family killed in Krishnagiri accident

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3 members of Keralite family killed in Krishnagiri accident A map of Krishnagiri. Courtesy: Google Maps

Krishnagiri: Three members of a Malayali family died when the car they were they were traveling in met with an accident in Tamil Nadu's Krishnagiri Monday night.

The deceased have been identified as Palakkad native Muraleedharan, his wife Vincy and their 2-year-old daughter.

The couple's elder daughter Meghna and Muraleedharan's mother Lakshmi have been hospitalized in critical condition.

The accident occurred when the car hit a divider around 7.15 pm Monday, Manorama News reported.

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