


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:15 AM IST

Sree Narayana Guru not an avatar of God: Kerala HC

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Sree Narayana Guru

The Kerala High Court has observed that the state's legendary social reformer Sree Narayana Guru is not an avatar of God and a 'Gurumandiram' housing his statue cannot be treated as a temple.

A bench comprising Justices V Chitambaresh and K Harilal made the observation while hearing a property dispute between some people involving a 'Gurumandiram' in Alappuzha district.

"The statue of Sree NarayanaGuru (who did not believe in idol worship) cannot be treated as a deity and his followers permitted to represent it. Sree NarayanaGuru was a social reformer and not an avatar of God and the Gurumandiram housing his statue cannot be treated as a temple as is projected.

"Of course, a citizen can legitimately believe that Sree NarayanaGuru is an eternal God," the Courtobserved in a recent judgement.

(With agency inputs) 

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