


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 03:47 AM IST

Man poses with poisonous snake, gets bitten

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Kammaruddin Kammaruddin poses with the poisonous snake. Photo: Manorama

Purathur: A youth who posed with a snake he had caught was bitten by the reptile.

Kammaruddin (38), who was bitten by the snake, was admitted to a hospital in Kottakkal. He had come to a house after residents spotted a snake in a wood pile.

After he cornered and caught the snake from the wood pile, onlookers asked him to pose for a photograph. However, when he tried to adjust his dhothi, his grip on the snake loosened, allowing the snake to bite him. Although, he was taken to a local hospital, he was referred to the hospital at Kottakkal because the reptile was a very poisonous one.

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