Thrissur: Malayalam actor Rekha Mohan was found dead inside her flat at Shobha City in Thrissur Saturday. She was 45.
Rekha has acted in films like Udhyanapalakan, Nee Varuvolam, Oru Yathramozhi and several serials. Her roles in TV serials were also well-appreciated.
When she was not seen outside for a couple of days, her neighbors thought she might have been busy with film shooting.
Sad end: know who actor Rekha Mohan is | Pix, videos
Police suspect that her death might have occurred by Monday night. That day, she had lunch, which she ordered from outside, and was not seen by any one since then.
The death of the actor came to light when the police reached the residential complex and broke open the door following an inquiry by her husband who is in Malaysia. Her body was found on a chair inside the flat.
Rekha and Mohan have no children. Viyyur police have registered a case into the actor's death.