Dubai: Malayalam actor Dileep offered a helping hand to a Keralite youth who met with an accident at Muhaisnah 3 here on Tuesday. Twenty-three-year-old Jasir, who works as a delivery boy at a grocery at Qusais met with an accident in the wee hours of Tuesday when he was returning after work. A four-wheeler hit his bike and sped away leaving him alone on the road. Though he was not severely hurt, he could not get up due to pain.
Then, according to Jasir, he had the shock of his life when actor Dileep got down from a Land Cruiser car which stopped by. The actor, along with his friend Naseer helped Jasir get up and enquired about his details. Dileep also called the police.
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Jasir, who is yet to recover from the shock of the chance meeting with his favourite star, said he could not even thank Dileep then and wanted to do the same through Manorama Online.
Dileep told Manorama Online that he stopped the car and got down as he found somebody lying on the road helpless. "Only later that I realised he was a Keralite. He was shocked as he recognised me and I was afraid whether it made the situation worse," Dileep said adding that he only offered a helping hand to a fellow human being.
Jasir, who suffered only a minor injury to leg, has resumed his work. Dileep has been in Dubai for sometime now for the shoot of Siddhique-Lal duo's new film 'King Liar'.
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