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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:30 AM IST

Gangman spots crack on railway track in Kollam, stops train | Pics

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Gangman spots crack on railway track in Kollam, stops train Workers repairing the railway track near Kollam where a crack was spotted. Photo: Rahul R Pattom

Kollam: Passengers on the Mumabi-Kanyakumari Jayanthi Janatha Express had a narrow escape on Friday after a minor crack was detected on a railway track near Kollam railway station.

Gangman spots crack on railway track in Kollam, stops train Railway gangman Chandran Kumar | Photo: Rahul R Pattom

Railway gangman Chandran Kumar spotted a crack on the track and alerted the authorities around 9.10 a.m, averting a major train accident. Jayanthi Janatha Express which was about to reach Kollam station was stopped 15 meters away from the crack.

Gangman spots crack on railway track in Kollam, stops train A worker repairing the railway track near Kollam where a crack was spotted. Photo: Rahul R Pattom
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