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Last Updated Wednesday November 18 2020 03:16 PM IST

Denied ice cream, Bheeman Raghu thrashes bakery owner

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Bheeman Raghu Actor Bheeman Raghu (file photo)

Thiruvananthapuram: A police case has been filed against actor Bheeman Raghu and his friend Vishnu for manhandling a bakery owner here on Sunday.

The incident occurred when Bheeman Raghu and his friend pulled up their car in front of the bakery in Maruthamkuzhi here and ordered for ice cream seated inside their vehicle.

A clash broke out after their repeated demand for the ice cream was turned down by the bakery owner, Sreekesh. All those injured in the violence sought treatment in a hospital later.

A case has been registered with Vattiyurkavu police station and a probe has been initiated into it.

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