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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:49 AM IST

After saying beer no alcohol, Kerala withdraws controversial SC plea

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After saying beer no alcohol, Kerala withdraws controversial SC plea

New Delhi/Kochi: In a sudden turn of events, the Kerala government Tuesday withdrew the interlocutory affidavit submitted in the Supreme Court seeking clarity whether five-star hotels, beer/wine parlors and toddy shops come under the purview of a recent judgment banning liquor outlets within 500 meters of national and state highways.

The application had also contained a controversial plea to exclude beer, wine, and toddy from the definition of hard liquor.

The change in stance came after the appeal drew widespread criticism from different quarters.

G. Prakash, standing counsel for the state government, has approached the Supreme Court registrar seeking withdrawal of the affidavit. Confirming the development, excise minister T.P. Ramakrishnan said in Kochi Tuesday that the government decided to drop the move after it acquired a controversial overtone.

The decision was made in consultation with the Advocate General (AG), he added.

The apex court order banning sale of liquor within 500 meters of national and state highways will come into force on March 31.

Bar hotels or other private establishments could approach the court to seek clarity on the order before it is being implemented, it is learned.

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