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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 04:35 AM IST

Aviation fuel from overturned tanker catches fire in Malappuram

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Fuel tanker mishap in Malappuram The fuel tanker that met with accident in Tanur, Malappuram. Photo Mohamed Musthafa K.P.

Malappuram: A major tragedy was averted on Thursday after aviation fuel leaked from an overturned tanker caught fire in Tanur near here.

The fire caused an explosion, damaging a portion of a nearby house. A car and bike stationed near the house were also destroyed. However, the inmates of the house ran to safety.

An electric line in the area melted and snapped.

The fuel tanker overturned at 4.00 am  on Thursday after hitting a roadside structure leading to the leakage of the fuel. The fuel rushed into a nearby stream and reached Kanoli canal half a kilometer away. The blaze was started when the residents carelessly used fire even as the fire force was engaged in rescue tasks.

Fire force personnel from five districts arrived at the spot to bring the fire under control. They are camping in the area.

A massive amount of fuel has spilled into the stream and still poses a fire hazard. The carrier has been lifted.

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