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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:21 AM IST

Attack on Sreenivasan unjustifiable: SFI president

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VP Sanu V.P. Sanu

V. P. Sanu succeeded Dr. S Sivadasan as the national president of the SFI, last week. A native of Valanchery in Malappuram district, Sanu completed B.Com from the MES Keveeyam College, Valanchery, and did his Masters in Social Work (MSW) at the Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit, Kalady. Son of Sakharia, CPM’s Malappuram district secretariat member, and Ramla, Sanu is awaiting the results of the M.Com examination. He has planned to pursue higher studies at any of the central universities in the country.

Change through fresh faces

The induction of fresh faces would definitely bring about positive changes in any organisation. Reorganisation at regular intervals means opportunities for more people. They will come up with fresh ideas and bring about changes in the outfit’s style of functioning. That is how an organisation will grow. Our present general secretary is from Himachal Pradesh. It shows that the SFI could expand its footprint across the country.

In solidarity with unique methods of protest

The SFI is so positive about the new modes of protests staged by youngsters raising genuine demands. Notably, the tendency to label those people who stay away from traditional political parties as apolitical has changed. The SFI will extend full support to agitations taken up by the new generation against fascism, intolerance and moral policing.

Also Read: Graft charges take youths away from politics: NSU president

Unjustifiable incident

The attack on T. P. Sreenivasan is unjustifiable. Sarath, who slapped him, has been stripped of all posts he was holding. We condemn the attack not because of Sreenivasan’s expertise as a diplomat or considering his top position, but we strongly believe such unrestrained behaviour towards even an ordinary man is utterly condemnable.

A slap on the CPM's carefully groomed smiling face

When Sreenivasan attempted to enter the venue disregarding the protests, it was the SFI leaders who saved him from the wrath of protesters and helped him return. In the past, Sreenivasan has expressed his contempt for people’s agitations and struggles. In the complaint filed by the student protesters, they alleged that he abused them openly. Even if he had used abusive words, an SFI activist should not have resorted to a violent act.

Justice for Rohith Vemula

The SFI is actively involved in the ongoing protests under the aegis of the Joint Action Council at the University of Hyderabad. The authorities have conceded our demands such as expulsion of the vice-chancellor who is accountable for the atrocities being committed against Dalit students on the campus, and regular disbursal of scholarships and fellowships.

Full coverage of protest at HCU

Though we have called off the agitations that disrupted classes, the other protest modes like hunger strike are still on. After the SFI national meet, I headed straight to Hyderabad to participate in the protests before returning to Kerala.

Those who are responsible for Rohith’s suicide should be booked under SC and ST Prevention of Atrocities Act. We will continue our protests until Union Minister of Human Resources Development Smriti J. Irani and Union Minister for Labour B. Dattatreya step down taking moral responsibility.

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