Thiruvananthapuram: The Laryngology division of the ENT department of KIMS Hospital here has introduced a new form of treatment called sialoendoscopy. Sialoendoscopy, an endoscopy of the salivary gland, is done only in a few centers in South India. This procedure allows treatment without the removal of the salivary gland. The conventional gland removal would entail complications and side effects like scars, facial deformity, and longer stay in the hospital. Doctors say sialoendoscopy can surpass all these.
The sialoendoscopy procedure involves the passing of a small endoscope into the opening of the salivary gland inside the mouth. It is done under general anaesthesia and the procedure takes around an hour. The specific advantages of this procedure include a scar-less surgery, zero blood loss and post-operative rest, no risk of facial deformity, and lower cost. Most importantly, the preservation of the gland is in itself a major advantage, doctors say.
Who needs sialoendoscopy
People with recurrent swelling of the face associated with chewing of food, recurrent infection of the salivary gland, stone in the salivary gland or any other disorder associated with the gland may undergo this procedure. There are virtually no complications but patients may experience 'mild facial swelling and mild pain' after the procedure.