


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:56 AM IST

Andhra native attempts to kidnap kid from Alappuzha, arrested

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nagendar-kidnap Nagendar

Alappuzha: An Andhra native was arrested Tuesday after he tried to abduct a boy from his house premises at Chandiroor near here.

The arrested person, identified as Nagendar, tried to kidnap four-year-old Azhar, son of Akbar, when he was playing on the front yard of his house.

Nagendar approached the boy in disguise of a beggar and tried to take him away.

However, the boy sensed danger and cried aloud. He also bit on Nagendar's hand.

Azhar's mother came out on hearing his cry and as she yelled, Nagendar left the kid behind and tried to flee.

But the locals and autorickshaw drivers nearby who had gathered there by then nabbed the culprit and handed him over to Aroor police.

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