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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:29 PM IST

70, still young: Beauty tips from dream girl Hema Malini

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70, still young: Beauty tips from dream girl Hema Malini

At 70, she’s still a vision. Age has simply refused to wither dreamgirl Hema Malini. The eyes are still what they were … droopingly seductive. What’s it that keeps this one woman so distractingly beautiful? A peek into her life, routine and daily regimen is sure to throw up nuggets of info into what gives Hema Malini that touch of youthful good looks, despite the demands of age, politics and Bollywood.

No Junk food: The actor knows full well that she’s well past the age when, like teens, she can flip for junk food. It's salads and fruit juices when hunger gets the better of her. Veg soup is another favorite.

Hair massage: Hema Malini swears by a hot oil massage once a week. This she speaks from her experience of enjoying lush hair growth by pampering her scalp and hair with this once-a-week oil therapy. And the massage has to be with coconut oil seasoned with gooseberry, tulsi and curry leaves.

Aroma oil: When out on her own, she never dons makeup. Her almost half a century old routine of donning the grease paint has made her averse to wearing any sort of makeup while out on private jaunts. Too much make-up robs the skin of its natural oils and leaves it dull and dry, says the actor. It’s Aroma Oil for her to keep her skin young and supple. It smoothens out the wrinkles too.

Makeup: The face is thoroughly cleaned by cleansing milk. A light steam-wash opens up the pores and cleans them, leaving the face glowing. She avoids foundation as best as she can. If at all make-up is worn, it’s over Aroma Oil. Her make-up is complete with kajal and a light shade of lipstick sitting pretty on her shapely lips. The whole stuff is cleansed off before she winds up for the day. It’s then night cream over the face, neck and hands.

Yoga: The day begins with pranayama and yoga. Stretching exercises keep her body toned and fit.

Cycling: Whenever possible, it’s 15 minutes of cycling every day.

Dance: Even if yoga and cycling are given a go-by, it’s yes to dance every day. Dance gets top priority. It’s a passion which got her going while still a child and she nurtured it through her film career. Today, it’s her fitness mantra.

Veggie: A total vegan, the actor believes that the body stays fresh without pollutants like meat, fish and eggs hastening the ageing process.

Fasting: Twice a week, she forgoes rice and wheat and “fasts” all through the day. It’s fresh fruits or juices and paneer on such fasting days.

Lunch: Two chappathis, a bit of rice, a bowl of dhal and two veg dishes make up her lunch. She has a bowl of curds daily. Hema Malini says a cup of curds everyday helps retain your beauty.

Green tea: A cup of green tea twice a day, one in the morning and the other, in the evening. Green tea helps in keeping the body lean.

Water: Downing as many glasses of water as she can has become a natural habit. She drinks more while traveling to keep the body hydrated. Water purifies the body and makes the skin glow, she says.

Dinner: The actor sups well before 8 pm. And that too only on what’s easily digestible. Oil and masalas are a no-no at night. Fruits and boiled vegetables are her main night-time items. She hits her pillow by 10 pm.

With the secrets of her eternal youth and beauty out, it’s no wonder that Sholay’s Basanthi is as charming today as she was 43 years ago!

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