


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:19 AM IST

Restaurant installs public refrigerator to feed the poor

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Restaurant installs public refrigerator to feed the poor

Kochi: In a rare gesture of benevolence, Pappada Vada, a restaurant here has launched a public refrigerator to feed the poor and the destitute, for free. It is a programme partnering with the public by asking people to bring surplus but clean food to be kept in the refrigerator.

Titled 'Nanma Maram' the refrigerator is installed at the foot of Konna tree (Golden shower tree) in front of the Pappada Vada restaurant on Kaloor-Kathrikkadavu Road.

The poor and the hungry can take food from the 420 litre refrigerator which will be functioning 24 hours. The whole cost of the electricity required to operate the appliance will be borne by the restaurant, which will also be keeping as many as fifty parcels in it every day.

The initiative serves the twin purpose of avoiding wastage of food materials and of feeding the destitute and the poor. Those who keep parcels inside the Nanma Maram refrigerator have been asked to mark the date of packing the food. The restaurant has also taken up the job of cleaning the refrigerator twice a week, according to Minu Pauline, founder of Pappada Vada.

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