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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:46 PM IST

'Make-up' your minds, meet Jaanmoni Das

Gitanjali Diwakar
Assistant Content Producer
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Jaamoni Das Jaanmoni Das. Photo: Facebook

As I walked through the narrow lanes at Kappalandimukku, Fort Kochi, a chill ran through my veins. Sure, the person was respected and popular among the who's-who of the entertainment fraternity. But the walk implied otherwise.

The entrance of the house appeared rather simple and unsophisticated. The escort, the younger son of the household, soon introduced me to his family who appeared concerned seeing my massive photographic gear. But it seemed the fear lasted only for a few minutes and I was served a glass of cool, refreshing lemonade.

The moment had finally arrived. The interviewee had entered the room. Thus, began the conversation with Jaanmoni Das, one of Kerala's ace make-up artists.


The naughty yet talented Assamese child

Jaanmoni Das hails from Guwahati, Assam. Born to a railway employee and a homemaker, Jaamoni spent a large part of her life at her grandmother's place situated in one of the villages in Guwahati. Hailing from a family of respected artistes, such as singing legend Bhupendra Hazarika and quite a few film directors, her artistic inclinations were more or less imbibed.

As a teenager, she was a passionate dancer and later, took to the dancing scene on a professional level. But that didn't stop her from treading new paths and learning new trades. Years later, when she was drawn to the make-up department, Jaan said to herself, 'This is it.' Today, she is the most in-demand make-up artist in Kerala.

Did dancing lead to a desire to make people look beautiful?

Jaamoni Das Jaanmoni Das, the dancer. Photo: Facebook

“Not really. Dance is my life. I love it. Over a period of time, I seemed to develop a taste for make-up work. Soon, I had become a make-up artist. But even make-up is wonderful and exciting at the same time. As a dancer, my talent was appreciated by many. But, as a make-up artist, I can feel the love from people and sense a connection. That helps me tremendously, making me a better professional,” Jaanmoni explained.

The thoughts behind each work of art

As a make-up artist, one wonders if there is a hidden secret behind those strokes that transform one's appearance altogether. “Honestly, I do not think of it like that at all. My friends and co-workers are my best critiques. Then again, I have been very lucky. So far, no celebrity, including Ranjini Haridas and Amala Paul, has complained about my work,” said Das.

Jaanmoni Das is an ardent fan of Bollywood star Sreedevi. “It is my dream to be her make-up artist. She has the most beautiful eyes and is very expressive. No matter how tired I am, a song featuring Sreedevi will always keep me upbeat,” Das commented.

My 'family' made me a better professional

Jaamoni Das 'The love and care that Babi's family has given me has made me a better person, not to mention a better professional,'said Jaanmoni Das.

Having spent over five years in Kerala, Jaanmoni told us more about that one moment that changed her life for the better.

For the first few years in Kerala, Jaanmoni was no better than any workaholic. Parties were no matter of interest to this ambitious woman. Life seemed to revolve around the new home at Marine Drive, Kochi and at work. Loneliness had become part of life. Back home in Assam, the life of Kerala's popular make-artist was a matter of concern for the whole family until the day Jaanmoni met a young gentleman, Babi, a young gentleman at a fashion show.

“That was when my life took a different turn altogether. He and his family treat me like their own. His parents never let me stay alone at my apartment on a weekend. His sister and I have long chats on the terrace. Ever since, they let me into their home, I feel like a changed person. The love and care that Babi's family has given me has made me a better person, not to mention a better professional. I feel there is something to look forward to, like I have a home to go to,” explained Jaanmoni.

'I want to be woman, a really woman'

Jaanmoni Das is an example of a transgender who has made a mark in the industry. Then again, there is a hidden desire, which the artist hopes to fulfill soon. “I want to be a woman. I want to experience every bit of womanhood. I want to become a mother and experience that pain of childbirth. For which, I am undergoing hormonal treatment. My family has been extremely supportive of my desire,” Das said.

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