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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 06:38 PM IST

Did you know honey can keep you healthy during the monsoons?

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Honey (Representative image)

Although monsoon showers are a boon, it sure can mess up with your health. During this season, our immune system weakens, making us prone to many allergies and infections. Honey is used in treatment of cough, cold, hiccups, diabetes, obesity, worm infestation, vomiting, diarrhoea and in reducing cholesterol. According to texts in Ayurveda, honey can even prevent heart diseases.

Here, we provide you 10 home remedies with honey to keep you healthy this monsoon.

1. Mix 2 teaspoons of honey with equal quantity of ginger juice and consume it twice for relief from cough and cold.

2. Drink 5 ml of fresh honey thrice a day before meals to treat diarrhoea.

3. One glass of warm water with 2 teaspoons of honey and a teaspoon of lemon in the morning purifies blood.

4. Honey, along with ginger juice and black pepper powder, can soothen the symptoms of asthma. According to AYU, an international journal of research in Ayurveda, a mixture of 2.5g of black pepper powder with 5 ml of honey and ginger juice can relieve bronchial asthma.

5. 10 ml of honey mixed with equal quantity of carrot juice improves eyesight.

6. Applying honey diluted with 10 percent of warm water to the scalp, helps in temporary relief from dandruff.

7. One teaspoon of honey with a tinge of turmeric prevents decay and falling of teeth. It eases oral diseases and bad breath too.

8. Honey is effective in curing pains, burns and wounds as it is an antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral substance.

9. 30 ml of honey and coconut vinegar is mixed with 100 ml of water is effective in reducing arthritis according to recent studies in Ayurveda.

10. An intake of 15 ml honey can lead to a sound sleep.

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