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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:08 PM IST

Varikkasseri Mana - the ancestral home of Malayalam cinema | Video

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Anyone who has watched Devasuram will not forget Neelakandan’s abode, aka Managlassery tharavadu, aka Varikkasseri mana. A traditional manor known for its rich history, this architectural splendor is situated near Ottapalam in Palakkad.

This is where feudal rascal Neelakandan humiliated Bhanumathi in Devasuram

In addition to Devasuram, it has been the shooting location of over 150 movies, countless documentaries, albums, and photo shoots. 

The history

The magnificent structure, which speaks volumes about the feudal lords of yesteryear Kerala, was owned by Kalakakandathur family. The family owed its allegiance to the Zamorin of Calicut and once, a younger member of the clan passed on a strategic information to the Eradi Nair ruler. Pleased by him, the Zamorin gifted him over 4,000 acres of land. The mana was built by Varikkasseri Ravi Namboothirippad in the early twentieth century.


This is where feudal rascal Neelakandan humiliated Bhanumathi in Devasuram

The mana consists of a nalukettu and two pathayappuras, aka outhouses – thekke pathayappura to the south and padinjare pathayappura to the west. It also has a Sreekrishna temple, oottupura and a marvelous large pond with kulappura (a building at the pond-entrance).  

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