


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:17 AM IST

Want to know more about how kids charm their way on the ramp? Read this

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Kids fashion

Kids’ fashion seems to have become quite prominent in the current the fashion scenario. There is absolutely nothing childish about these waves though. Fashion for kids is given as much importance as fashion for the grown-ups.

The brands and varied styles that were showcased at the India Kid’s Fashion Week 2016 held in Dehi in June is testimony enough for the heights that junior fashion is yet to conquer.

You can’t ignore kid’s fashion anymore and leave it to the sidelines. Today, some people even consider coordinating the colors and styles of the kids' wear to that of the parents, especially, for occasions.

Kids fashion

When the girls have lehengas, lachas or designer gowns, the boys have the options of wearing Indo-western, ethnic or western formals. They can have customized sizes for all these items. For festivals like Onam, shops have already started stocking ready-made mundu and shirts for the young boys. The stylish trends in clothes will see a cross-over to accessories and jewelery too, says fashion experts.

Yes, colors do matter. Here is why:

Baby pink or baby blue are some of the shades that we normally see in kid’s wear. Haven’t you noticed that babies are always dressed up in light colors or white? Color of children’s clothes is more than just a fashion fad. There is a reason behind such choice of colors. Colors should often be selected based on the age of the child. For pre-school kids, go for bright and energetic colors. If the dresses are white or black, add colorful accessories like scarves, belts or kitsch jewelery.

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