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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:56 PM IST

In your 30's? Worry not, here are 5 tips to stay young

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The ravages done unto your skin by environmental factors become visible as you age. Dark spots and discoloration are major problems that affect the skin as you age. But it doesn't need to be that way, says an expert. Sapna V. Roshni, a cosmetic surgeon at the Cocoona Centre of Aesthetic Transformation, suggests five tips to stay younger:

» Injectables, lasers, and radio frequency address even the smallest age-related changes over time. Not only are they safer, easier and cheaper, but also require much less downtime than previous solutions. Don't be afraid of minor procedures to define your cheekbones and get rid of those 'parentheses' lines running from your nose to the corners of your mouth.

Botox may hinder emotional growth of youngsters

» Your 40s are the perfect time to give your hair a makeover. Women in their 40s are nothing but self-assured and at the top of their game. Get a haircut to suit this new phase of life. Whether it's a new color palette you can dress your hair in or a completely new hairstylist, go for it.

Hair cut

» The muscular strength in women peaks between ages 20 and 30. The goal for you now is to maintain your muscle mass so that it doesn't decline with age. Get a personal trainer to help you with the intensity of your workout. The key is to replace long easy cardio sessions with short high-intensity interval training sessions. Squats, jumping jacks, and stationary sprints are your best bet.

health fitness

» The best gift you can give your skin is anti-oxidants. Go ahead, fill up on nutrient-packed foods which will help you fight disease, feel more energetic, and even lose weight. The best anti-oxidants for your skin are found in colorful fruits and vegetables. Eat the rainbow across a week and see your skin glowing and body healthy.

Fruits and vegetables

» Hydration is the key to flawless and radiant skin. Layer up with hydrating products that penetrate the skin making it plumper, younger-looking and leaving you with a natural glow from within. We've all heard of the Korean beauty favorite -sheet mask, a cloth saturated with skin loving ingredients. Perfect for all skin types leaving your skin deeply hydrated, it works as an anti-aging treatment. Drink a couple more glasses of water every day to keep your body and skin in great shape.


» Sunscreen use: Use an SPF of 30, whether you're relaxing at home or out on a rainy day.

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