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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 12:39 PM IST

Revealed: the story behind Samantha's engagement saree

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Revealed: the story behind Samantha's engagement saree

Seems like Samantha wanted her engagement saree to be a beautiful memoir; the actress had her romance translated on her ensemble. Yes, the cream and golden colored saree the actress wore on her engagement day narrated the love story of Samantha and actor Naga Chaithanya.

Designed by famous designer store Koesch, Samantha’s saree had images of beautiful moments from her love life such as proposal, first official appearance as a couple, Chaithanya’s brother Akhil’s engagement pic and the like.

Also check: You wouldn't want to miss this video from Samantha, Naga Chaitanya engagement

Samantha had taken to Instagram to share her delight with her fans: 'He put a ring on it, the proposal scene was actually woven in the Saree! How beautiful is that?!' (sic.)

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