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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 03:51 PM IST

Rudraksha: these wonder beads hold the key to happiness and purity

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Rudraksha, a seed that comes in many forms, was recognized as an organic gem by the Indian Gemological Conference in 1999. The advantages of rudraksha are listed in Padmapuranam and Sivapuranam. The seed is variously described as “Siva’s eyes” and “the annihilator of grief”.

Faces of rudraksha


Rudrakshas are available with faces ranging from one to 21. Of these, rudrakshas with three, four, five and six phases are commonly available. The other varieties are rarer and pricier. Rudrakshas with many faces grow on the same tree. A majority of them would be panchamukhi, or with five faces. The double-faced rudrakshas called Gowrisankaram, one-faced Savar (Naga), Trijyuti and Ganesamukhi are more common.

Each rudraksha is associated with the nine planets and various deities.

Real rudrakshas come from Nepal. The ones that grow in India are called Bhadraksha and the ones from Indonesia are called Indraksha. All of them are sold as rudraksha though. There are loads of fake rudrakshas going around in the market. They can be recognized only by a trained eye. Always buy rudraksha from a reliable institution.

Some characteristics of rudraksha


Three-face rudraksha: These beads are used to lessen the impact of ‘Chovva dosham’ and to ensure a stable married life. Women can wear it along with their mangal sutra for perpetual marital bliss.

Four-face rudraksha: These beads are ideal to be worn during the study time. They can aid in completing education successfully and to excel in competitive exams. These beads can ensure that good senses prevail all the time.

Five-face rudraksha: These beads are the best. They can ensure all good fortunes. They assure divine presence and help in leading a proud public life.

Six-face rudraksha: These beads can enhance qualities like courage and patience. They can help overcome crises and excel in the areas of work.

How to wear rudraksha


Rudraksha can be worn in a chain. Wear 108 beads along with a bigger one in a chain. The bead can also be worn single or in a group of three. They can also be worn as a bracelet. Choose a gold or silver chain or a simple thread to hold them together. Anyone from any religion can wear rudraksha anytime of the day.

The best ones are no bigger than a gooseberry. The ones the size of a gooseberry seed are average ones. Avoid anything smaller as they are considered inferior.

Rudraksha beads help regulate and enhance the flow of energy in the wearer’s body. If you do not want to wear it, you can use if for puja to absolve your sins.

Rudraksha beads come in shades of dark brown. They are not translucent or shiny. They are believed to keep away grief and help in attaining salvation by fulfilling the mission of one’s life. Indian mythology says these beads are ideal to absolve your sins.

(R Sanjeev Kumar P G A is from Jyothis Astrological Research Center at Thycaud in Thiruvananthapuram. He can be contacted at 0471 2324553 or +91 9447251087. Email him at

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