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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 09:02 PM IST

Foot reading: Palmistry is passe, just toe the line

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Your feet carries your destiny. Well, literally and figuratively. They can say a lot about who you are. Much like palmistry, foot reading has been practiced in India and China for about 5,000 years. Foot reader Jane Sheehan vouches for the foot’s ability to portend your physiological and psychological conditions. Here’s a toe-to-toe scan.

Big toe

If your big toe is longer than the rest of the toes, you will be energetic and creative. You are ready with an instant solution to any problem. You are noted for your ability to assess situations from different angles. If your big toe is shorter than the rest, you will be efficient in multitasking. You are full of new ideas that can bowl over other people.

Second toe

If your second toe is the longest of all, you are a born leader. Energetic and creative, you will have your way with any group. If you have a shorter second toe, you are susceptible to influences. You are peace-loving.

Third toe

You will be an expert in your trade if your third toe dominates over the other digits. You will pursue your dreams with unwavering decisions. You are supposed to be a bundle of energy. You may be too much taken up with work that you can barely find time for your family. If you belong to the group with a shorter third toe, you live life to the fullest. You make the most of interludes.

Fourth toe

If your fourth toe is longer than the rest of the digits, family comes first for you. If the fourth toe is all curled up, you may have an unpleasant married life. You may be a good listener though. You will be disturbed by the problems faced by other people. If your fourth toe is shorter than its neighbors, you may be a loner. You hardly values family values. You will be guided by other motives.

Fifth toe

If your fifth toe is the smallest of all, you may have a child-like nature. You get bored with stuff easily and shy away from responsibilities. You may be jovial and sociable. If your fifth toe stands aloof from the other digits, you will be easily excited. You may be an adventurous person. If the fifth toe is huddled with the neighbor, you are supposed to be loyal and punctual.

Aligned toes

If your toes make a perfect curve, you are supposed to be a very pragmatic person. You are sure to pursue your initiatives to their logical conclusions. You will be punctual as a worker and honest as a friend.

Flat foot

You are ready to work like a mule. The busier the happier seems to be your motto. At the same time, you love to live in peace.

Slender foot

You are lazy but with a heightened sense of aesthetics. Your home will be elegant no matter how frugally you live.

Curled toes

You are efficient and financially independent. There may be a little bit of revolutionary in you. With a little curvature of toes, you value friendships more than anything else. You love to cheer up others.

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