


Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 03:08 AM IST

INTUC leader invokes Karunakaran's memory to attack Chandy

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R. Chandrasekharan R. Chandrasekharan

Thiruvananthapuram: In an unexpected move, INTUC Kerala unit's president R. Chandrasekharan on Friday launched a veiled attack on Chief Minister Oommen Chandy who is facing the heat of the solar scam.

In a Facebook post, Chandrasekharan said history has rendered a reply to those who backstabbed the late K. Karunakaran.

"History repeats sometimes. K. Karunakaran was a freedom fighter and one of the most efficient administrators Kerala has seen. His memories are still alive in Congress supporters. Now the times has given a reply to those who backstabbed and dethroned Karunakaran," Chandrasekharan posted on FB in an apparent reference to the events related to the ISRO espionage scam which led to Karunakaran's resignation in the early 90s.

This is the first time Chandy is facing such a harsh criticism from within the party in connection with the scam.

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