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Last Updated Wednesday December 16 2020 02:33 AM IST

To maintain secrecy of votes, EC to provide special pens for voters in presidential poll

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To maintain secrecy of votes, EC to provide special pens for voters in Presidential poll Representational image

New Delhi: Following the ink controversy in the Rajya Sabha polls in Haryana last year, the Election Commission has decided to use special pens for the electors to mark their votes in the July 17 presidential election.

"For marking the votes, the Commission will supply particular pens. This pen will be given to the electors in the polling station by the designated official when the ballot paper is handed over. Electors have to mark the ballot only with this particular pen and not with any other pen. Voting by using any other pen may lead to invalidation of the vote," chief election commissioner Nasim Zaidi told reporters here.

The decision to use special pens is based on the recommendations made by a working group set up by the poll panel to suggest ways to avoid repeat of such disputes in future polls.

Twelve votes marked using a wrong pen were declared invalid leading to the defeat of Congress-backed independent candidate R K Anand, a lawyer, to media baron Subhash Chandra.

The EC has mandated that all votes to be cast using a violet pen for uniformity and to ensure that secrecy of votes is maintained.

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