Natural cough remedy for kids: Check out this quick recipe using palm sugar

Crystallized palm sugar. Photo: Shutterstock/Bapi Ray

With the fever season upon us, many kids are prone to seasonal coughs and colds. One effective and natural remedy to tackle these ailments is 'panam kalkandam', or crystallized palm sugar. This sweet treat not only offers a delicious flavour but also provides numerous health benefits, especially for soothing sore throats and liquefying phlegm.

Panam kalkandam is crystallized palm sugar derived from the sap of palm trees. It is rich in minerals and antioxidants, making it a powerful ally for health, especially during times when coughs and colds are prevalent. Its soothing properties can alleviate throat irritation. The natural compounds in palm jaggery help break down mucus, providing relief from cough. This remedy can be consumed by both children and adults.

Here’s how to prepare an easy and effective cough remedy for kids at home using palm sugar!

2 glass of water
1-inch piece of dry ginger
1.5-inch piece of palm jaggery crystals

In a saucepan, bring 2 glasses of water to a boil
Add the piece of dry ginger and palm jaggery crystals to the boiling water
Lower the heat and let it simmer until the liquid reduces to 1 glass
Remove from heat, strain the mixture, and serve warm

Things to note
Dosage: If mucus persists, consume this remedy a couple of times during the day for best results.

For small babies (6 months and older): For infants dealing with phlegm issues, Panam Kalkandam can be incorporated into their meals.

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