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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:43 AM IST

Viral video: This tiny tot beautifully recreated Chithra's masterpiece

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The nightingale of Malayalam, K.S. Chithra, has been every Malalayali’s favorite female voice for three decades now. And she continues to sound as fresh and lovely, just like how she was when she sang “Manjal prasadavum…”

Recently, Chithra took to Facebook and shared the video of a toddler singing the song. In her post, she requested her followers to help her get the identity of the baby who is seen singing the song Chitra crooned for the movie Nakhakshathangal, one of the biggest hits early on in her career, in 1986.

"Hi dears. I am uploading this beautiful video to all music lovers. I got this as a forward. Can someone get me the identity of this wonderful baby. So sweet of her. (sic)," she wrote.

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