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Last Updated Saturday November 28 2020 12:16 AM IST

Prithviraj's 'Ranam' lands with a battle cry, hits the top slot | Video

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Prithviraj's Ranam lands with a battle cry, hits the top slot

The first song of Prithviraj Sukumaran's latest flick Ranam is here and it's a beauty! The song named 'Ranam Title Track' is already made to the top 10 trending videos on YouTube.

Sung by Ajaey Shravan, Jakes Bejoy, Neha S Nair with rap vocals by Saint TFC, the track boasts of an international appeal with effervescent techno beats and rap. The song's lyrics are in English, Tamil and Malayalam. The song, composed by Jakes, is a must-listen for music lovers.

Prithviraj's Ranam lands with a battle cry, hits the top slot

The video, which gives some insight into the movie's theme, offers fresh glimpses of its characters and setting.

The film, which is directed by Nirmal Sahadev, is a neo-noir thriller set in Detroit. Rahman, Isha Talwar, Ashwin Kumar and Nandu are also part of the film.

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