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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 11:08 AM IST

'Remo' movie: audience review of Sivakarthikeyan starrer

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'Remo' movie A still from the movie

So, are you all set to see Sivakarthikeyan play a female nurse?

Even if you are not a Sivakarthikeyan fan, we bet after watching the trailer you are curious enough to know more about the movie.

The movie Remo which has created a lot of buzz as the best marketed film in Tamil Cinema after Kabali is ready to hit screen and the tickets for the first-day shows have already been sold out like hotcakes.

After Rajini Murugan, Remo marks the second film of Sivakarthikeyan and Keerthy Suresh. The film is produced by R.D. Raja and directed by Bakkiyaraj Kannan.

The big-budget comedy entertainer Remo has a wide release in Kerala reportedly hitting about 90+screens.

Plot: Remo is about a guy who aspires to a film star. As a striving artist, he agrees to play the role of a female nurse. In the meantime, he finds his lady love and to impress her he uses the sassy nurse avatar. What happens next forms the crux of the movie.

Here, we bring live audience response from theater:

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