It's visual brilliance all over in White by director Uday Ananthan. Right from the opening shot of the film that begins in Bengaluru till the wrap up in Kerala, it's a sparkling spectacle to watch. The vast pivotal drama that unfolds in between rambles around the cool locales of Europe.
It's a tale that balances itself on two individuals who happen to meet fortuitously. It’s a tale of romance that is far-fetched and intriguing. Prakash Roy (Mammootty) is a successful businessman settled in London and has a miserable past. His chance encounter with Roshni (Huma Qureshi), an ambitious IT professional in London, sets the plot. What follows is an unpredictable and dramatic turn of events filled with mystery, pain, love and adventures.
Though the story chugs off slowly as a travelogue initially, it catches up with the theme and establishes itself as a serious saga. It is Prakash and Roshni who consume most of the screen time. The supporting characters, who appear and depart, have little to contribute to the main course.
Though the dialogues look extremely formal and cold there are some philosophical exchanges which carry the quality of maxims. Performance by Mammootty, who looks flamboyant and stylish, proves his versatility once again. It may not be deliberate, but the veteran actor's ability to execute comical episodes come to the fore very naturally. He essays them with élan. Some of the scenes are hilarious, but falls short of hitting the nail on the head.
What the story lacks in depth is mended by the agile presence of the lead actors. Huma Qureshi doesn’t seem to be making her debut in Malayalam. She looks well placed and her reactions are natural and cute. Her beauty is blended well with the ravishing backdrop.
With mesmerizing locales and enchanting background music the movie provides for an excellent means to get transported. However, the story has not much depth and the interactions of characters just harp superficially on the mundane affairs. Also, at some places the coincidences are clichéd and weak.
The camera wielded by Amarjeet Singh seamlessly captures the beauty of Budapest, London and also of Ottapalam and Bengaluru. However, the songs by Rahul Raj don't make much of an impact.
The movie White is a good watch for the brilliant performances by Mammootty and Huma Qureshi.
Rating: 2.5/5