Bobby Simha, Nikki Galrani and Prakash Raj starrer Tamil movie KO 2 has hit the screens on Friday. The political thriller has been receiving positive reviews from the viewers since the very first show.
Written and directed by Sarath, Ko 2 is the story of a common man played by Bobby Simha, fed up with the political system kidnaps the chief minister of the state played by Prakash Raj.
Also read: 'KO 2' will be an eye-opener: Bobby Simha
Audience have applauded Bobby Simha's versatility in presenting different shades of emotions through same character. Prakash Raj's performance was also highly appreciated. The brilliant script and amazing performances by lead actors is the major highlight of the movie.
Leon James' background score and Venkat M and Philip R. Sundar's cinematography were yet another attraction in the movie.