James And Alice, the Prithviraj-Vedhika starrer has hit the theatres on Thursday. The movie marks the directorial debut of cinematographer Sujith Vasudev. While James And Alice is scripted by Dr. S Janardhanan, Sujith himself has handled the cinematography of the movie.
After sharing screen space with Vedhika in Kaaviya Thalaivan, this is the second time that Prithvi will be seen romancing the actress.
Also read: 'James and Alice' movie review
The colourful posters, visually appealing trailer, and breezy songs have already raised the expectations of viewers.
Here we bring you a timeline from theatre:
♣ Movie begins
♣ A 'mature love story', a film far from run-of-the-mill romances
♣ James, the hero, is a graduate in fine arts. He falls in love with Alice, the daughter of a planter and marries her
♣ After the couple become parents, their life totally changes
♣ Interval
♣ Till the breakpoint, it's the marriage that hits a roadblock
♣ Movie over
♣ The movie has a freshness in its narrative
♣ Verdict: The film is an entertainer leaving behind a trail of message
Meanwhile, audience have given a thumbs up for brilliant visualisations and amazing performance from the lead players. Check out a few reactions: