It is finally here. The much-awaited Tamil film of the year, Achcham Yenbadhu Madamaiyada (AYM), directed by Gautam Vasudev Menon and starring Simbu and Malayalam's very own Manjima Mohan, has hit the screens.
Let's jump into the audience reactions and how AYM is fairing in theaters.
The movie has a wide release across the world and is releasing in a good number of theaters in Kerala.
Moviegoers are super excited to experience the Vinnaithaandi Varuvaayaa trio – Gautham, Simbu and music director A.R. Rahman – all over again. Even though the basic theme of the movie is romance, Gautham Menon has also packed an ample dose of action into AYM.
The film is also releasing in Telugu as Sahasam Swasaga Sagipo (SSS), with Naga Chaitanya and Manjima in the lead roles.
Loved ur performance to peak @mohan_manjima
— Naresh (@Naresh464) November 11, 2016
The songs are already a rage with the youngsters and the film carries much expectations on its shoulders.
AYM/SSS also marks the Tamil-Telugu debut of Manjima, who started as a child artiste almost two decades ago in Malayalam and reappeared as heroine in 2015 hit film Oru Vadakkan Selfie.