The much awaited action crime thriller Vikram Vedha has finally hit the screens on Friday. The movie is being directed by Pushkar and Gayathri which has also been co-written by the duo. Being bankrolled by Y NOT Studios, the movie has Sam CS composing music. Varalakshmi Sarathkumar and Shraddha Srinath are seen alongside Madhavan and Vijay Sethupathi.
While Sethupathi is seen in two different shades; that of a young gangster and the older version of the same, Madhavan has ditched his chocolate boy style and looks tough and is convincing with his make-over as a cop.
In Kerala, Vikram Vedha has a big release with about 101 screens. Malayalam actor Hareesh Peradi also plays a pivotal role in the movie.
Plot: The story of Vikram Vedha revolves around two men, Vijay Sethupathi playing a ruthless criminal and R Madhavan playing a fierce encounter specialist.
Here are the positives and negatives of the movie:
» Power-packed performances
» Good BGM
» Flawless writing
» Brilliant visuals with unique story telling
» A bit lagging
Meanwhile, check what audience got to say about the movie: