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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 01:25 PM IST

Nayanthara's Dora movie: audience review

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Dora movie review Nayanthara in the movie 'Dora'

It's lady superstar Nayanthara's first release of the year! Interestingly, the flick titled Dora which means God's gift will see Nayanthara playing the titular role unlike a simple heroine.

The horror thriller Dora, which revolves around a car, and her character Pavalakodi, is directed by Doss Ramaswamy, a former assistant to director Sargunam (who is also the producer of Dora).

Dora has been released simultaneously in Tamil and Telugu on Friday and movie buffs are excited to see yet another power-packed performance by Nayanthara after Maya.

The film has music composed by duo Mervin and Solomon and is produced by A. Sarkunam.

Plot: Nayanthara plays an innocent girl Pavalakodi, who turns into a rebel after she gets her hands on a vintage Austin Cambridge car called 'Dora'.


» Unique concept

» Power packed performance

» Brilliant making

» BGM is the biggest advantage


» Lengthy second half

» A bit lagging at few places

The movie has opened to positive responses for Nayanthara's brilliant performance. Check for a few reactions:

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