


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 05:53 PM IST

Siddharth wages Twitter war against Samantha

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Siddharth wages Twitter war against Samantha Samantha and Siddharth

Soon after actors Siddharth and Samantha were seen together in Jabardasth movie, gossip mills were abuzz about reports of the duo dating each other. But neither Siddharth nor Samantha talked about it.

After a few days, a news circulated in the media, saying the love birds broke up. Though the couple stayed calm about their relationship, it was recently through a tweet that they hinted about their break-up.

In his social networking account, Siddharth tweeted:

And it took no time for Samantha to respond. Replying to Siddharth's tweet the actress said, “That moment when I realise you’re just somebody I used to know.”

Interestingly, the actress erased her tweet later, though many of her followers in social media got a glimpse of it. The exchange came as a surprise for many who thought the two are done with.

Seems ex-lovers Siddharth and Samantha haven't moved forward post-breakup!

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