


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:11 PM IST

Spotted: Anurag Kashyap kissing his 22-year old girlfriend Shubhra Shetty

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Yes! You heard it right. Anurag Kashyap has been spotted with his rumoured 22-year-old girlfriend Shubhra Shetty and this time kissing her in the middle of a street.

Also read: Anurag Kashyap dating 22-year-old Shubhra Shetty?

A photo of the 43-year-old filmmaker kissing Shubhra posted on Instagram by Shubhra's friend Gillian Bolt (which has now been deleted) has surfaced online. The deleted picture captioned 'My little lovebirds' is now doing rounds on social media.


Anurag and Shubhra are said to be holidaying in New York and Kashyap's daughter Aaliya too was with the couple in the US, according to reports.

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