


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:11 AM IST

'Theri' update: Vijay's daughter to make her debut

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'Theri': Vijay's daughter to make her debut Vijay's daughter Divya to star in 'Theri'

Here's yet another good news for Vijay fans!

If reports are to believed, then Vijay's real daughter, Divya is set to make her debut with Theri.

Sources suggest that Vijay's daughter will be playing the role of his daughter in the film as well.

The team recently wrapped up with a final shooting schedule in Ladakh, where Divya was also present for shooting her scenes.

Meanwhile actor Meena's daughter, Nainika, will be also be acting in Theri who will play the role of Divya's friend in the movie.

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