


Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:13 AM IST

Actor Sanghavi gets married

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Actor Sanghavi gets married at 38 Meena with Sanghavi and husband

Actress Sanghavi has tied the knot with IT professional N Venkatesh at a wedding ceremony on Wednesday in Bangalore.

The actress who was missing in action for five years, got hitched to N Venkatesh, who is working as CEO at a software firm in the city.

The close-knit affair was attended by friends and family including actor Meena.

Actor Sanghavi gets married at 38 Sanghavi

Sanghavi made her acting debut with Ajith's Tamil film Amaravathi in 1993. Sanghavi was last in seen in director AA Choudhary's Telugu movie Indrani in 2010.

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