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Last Updated Wednesday November 25 2020 02:23 PM IST

Meet Salman Khan's 'Tubelight' co-Star Zhu Zhu!

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Salman Zhu Zhu

Salman Khan is gearing up for his next film Tubelight in Ladakh. Ever since the project was announced, speculations have been rife about the heroine of the movie.

And now, Salman's recent photo with Chinese actress Zhu Zhu, has put all the gossips to rest.

Salman's co-star in the film is Zhu Zhu, who is a popular actress in China. Zhu Zhu has also starred in international films such as What Women Want, Shanghai Calling, The Man with the Iron Fists, Last Flight and many others.

Zhu Zhu reached India earlier this month and has taken up Hindi coaching classes. She's currently in Ladakh with Salman and crew for the shooting.

Zhu Zhu

Zhu Zhu holds a degree in electronics and information engineering from the Beijing Technology and Business University. After her graduation, she pursued designing and then went on to become a video jockey for MTV China. Soon after establishing herself as a VJ, filmmakers in China offered her roles and she eventually became one of the most sought after actress in China.

Zhu Zhu

We think Salman and Zhu Zhu are like bread and butter. Tell us what you think about this new pair.

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